Women in Golf

Women in Golf  

A fresh approach to introducing women 
into the wonderful world of golf.

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Get into Golf!

Golf is fun.  And its good for you. It's great gentle exercise and a hub of social activity. You don't have to be great at it to enjoy it (although admittedly it does feel great when you hit a good shot).  It is empowering.  So why aren't you playing yet??

Admittedly, it's not had the most accessible image in the past.  It conjures up images of stuffy, male dominated clubs, with dress codes, rules and etiquette.  It is thought to be expensive and time consuming, and only for those who are good at it. 

But I am on a MISSION to change that perception, especially for women, and girls.

My golf lessons and coaching are open to everyone - it doesn't matter if you have never even picked up a golf club before.  You don't even need to buy your own clubs at first - I can provide you with clubs to get you started and let the golf bug bite! There's no need for any "golf clothing" - just wear what is comfortable, and appropriate for the weather! 

You won't even find any stuffy rules that I will enforce - only basic health and safety and course etiquette so you don't cause any damage or injury to others.  As you progress, I will teach you the rules of golf should you wish to enter into any competitions, but to get started, if you're just playing alone for fun, or with friends or family - then you can make up your own rules!  I hear that Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas have a particularly amusing penalty for when he duffs a shot...!!

Keep it simple and keep it fun! Rules for Golf, and for Life! 

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