You can buy any voucher by clicking on the links below.
If you are unsure what would suit best please do not hesitate to get in touch by either emailing me at or call/text me on my mobile 07734816223
Vouchers can be emailed, posted or collected.
Suitable for every level of golfer. 30 minutes of golf instruction to work on any part of the game
Suitable for every level of golfer. 60 minutes of golf instruction to work on any part of the game.
Suitable for every level of golfer. 4 x 30 minutes of golf instruction to work on any part of the game.
Suitable for every level of golfer. 4 x 60 minutes of golf instruction to work on any part of the game.
Suitable for most golfers. 9 hole on course lesson at Broadlees Golf getting instruction on all parts of your game.
Suitable for all golfers. 9 hole on course lesson at the Broadlees Golf Par 3 course getting instruction on 100 yards and in.
Suitable for any level of Junior Golfer. 30 minutes of golf instruction to work on any part of the game.
Suitable for any level of Junior Golfer. 60 minutes of golf instruction to work on any part of the game.
Suitable for every level of golfer. 1 hour of golf instruction on the range followed by 9 holes on the par 3 course for further instruction.
Suitable for every level of golfer. 1 hour of short game instuction covering as many aspects of the short game as you need.
Suitable for beginners. 4 x 30 minutes of golf instruction working on the basic fundimentals.
Suitable for beginners. 4 x 30 minutes of golf instruction plus 1 hour on the par 3 course working on the basic fundimentals.